06-30-2009 06:44 AM
06-30-2009 09:01 AM
great tool, I'm impressed, thank you very much!
I had some trouble to get it work on LabVIEW 8.0.1 and found the solution
so I'd like to post it here:
If you're using LV 8.0.1 and get a message "Unable to retrieve all VI's in memory",
do the following: Go to the "Agents" subfolder and rename "8.0" to "8.0.1".
Now it should work perfectly.
I think this could also apply to LabVIEW 8.5.1 so anyone using 8.5.1 could try to rename
folder "8.5" to "8.5.1".
06-30-2009 12:08 PM
07-01-2009 08:28 PM
Thanks Candidus for picking that issue up and posting a fix.
I'll include those in the next upload I do.