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GPIB works from MAX but not from VISA

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I am trying to communicate with an ORTEC 996 counter with an NI GPIB-USB-HS. Once I get MAX to find instruments I open the  Communicate with instrument window.

This works and I can send the START\n command to start the target device. The start LED on the instrument goes on.

I then send the STOP\n command and the LED goes off so I know it is working.


I tried to do this using some of the Labview GPIB vi's but most of the forum stuff I read advise to use VISA so I tried that.

Not sure what I am doing wrong here but my instrument never gets the commands sent from my vi.

Attached - NIspy capture info and my vi.



 - Glad that this is the last Monday of the week.

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Message 1 of 6
Accepted by Murph

If you need to send \n, then you need to right click on your string control and select '\ Codes Display'.


p.s. Don't paste stuff into a word doc. Attach the actual spy file if you need to do so in the future.

Message Edited by Dennis Knutson on 04-16-2010 09:42 PM
Message 2 of 6
Were you able to get it working after changing the display mode?
National Instruments
Message 3 of 6

Yes. Sorry for the late reply. It's funny how one can get lost in trying everything else when the solution is staring right at you.

I am communicating with 4 different instruments, all with different syntax requirements. Trying your suggestion did solve the problem for that part of the project, thank you.



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Message 4 of 6
Then mark Dennis' message as the solution to your question rather than your oww thank you message.  Go to the Options menu to the upper right of your message first to be able to unmark it as the solution, then click on the solution icon next to Dennis' message.
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