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GUI using Enum

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Hi, can anyone help me out , in creating the enum inside enum, that helps user to select multiple options linked with one another. For example if a i create a Enum of rating say (1-10) and each rating further have a enum of a price i,e if I select rating 2 in enum then a new enum get open infront of 2 option displaying the option for(price).
Is this possible in labVIEW ?

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Message 1 of 5

Hi Tarunakgec,


@Tarunakgec wrote:

Is this possible in labVIEW ?


LabVIEW is a full-featured programming language…


@Tarunakgec wrote:

creating the enum inside enum

An enum "inside" another enum?


@Tarunakgec wrote:

For example if a i create a Enum of rating say (1-10) and each rating further have a enum of a price i,e if I select rating 2 in enum then a new enum get open infront of 2 option displaying the option for(price).

You want to present/show (aka "make visible") another control when a certain item in your first enum is selected? Then use the "visible" property of that "another control"…

You want to show certain items in the second enum (or ring?) when the user select an item in the first enum? Then enable/disable the items of the 2nd enum as needed - or define the items of a ring control…


You really need to learn how to write better questions. Learning this part of the job also helps to find (better) solutions faster!

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 2 of 5



Actor Framework
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Message 3 of 5
Accepted by Tarunakgec

Sounds like you are looking for a lookup table.  Select the item from the left column: (Oranges, Apples, Grapes or Super, Premium, and Regular) and get the price for that item?

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Message 4 of 5

Maybe a Tree control  would work for you.

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Message 5 of 5