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Getting the area and circumference of XY graph

Dear Imano88,


In Andrews' absece, I will help you with the question.

So do I understand you corretly, that you want to estimate the area and circumference of this point cloud? If so, a circle is a poor estimation.
What you should do, is either get all the outer points with a logic, like check for all x coords the min and max, and draw a plot from these. Also if you have the outter points, you can calculate the area by integration or other mathematical logic.


Your original question was to estimate by circle, for that, I attached an application you could try. (Please search around for mathematical estimations, in the mathemetical vi-s)


The .vi is attached too.

I hope you can get the idea from here. Also if you have a specific question, do not hesitate to write it down.


Best regards, 


Peter L.
National Instruments Hungary
Applications Engineer
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