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How can I connect Xbee and myRIO with LabView?


I want to communicate Xbee transmitter and myRIO with LabView but I don't know how can ı do it? could you help me for this problem

Thank you for all answers.

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Message 1 of 4

Hi there,


What have you tried? What problems are you having?


I'm fairly confident it can be done with LabVIEW (most things can, given enough effort) and it may not be that hard (depending perhaps on what you want to do with the XBee transmitter) but your question is far too open to give a real answer.


Please let us know how far you've gotten and what you need help with specifically, and it might be possible to give more helpful guidance.

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Message 2 of 4

Firstly, thank you for your answer


I nearly need 3-4 km to communicate Xbee with my computer. The most important problem is I don't know which vi should I use, or do you have any express vi for this?


Thank you for your answer again.

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Message 3 of 4

Those seem to be quite different topics.


You first mention a distance you want to communicate over, which presumably depends almost entirely on your hardware setup (I don't know which transmitter you're using, but the common XBee devices I've seen mentioned in topics with myRIO are typically much shorter range).

A table on a wikipedia page tells me at least some transmitters can communicate over that range.


In terms of a VI, you're talking about the software you intend to run. This has much less to do with the hardware, although at a low level you will need to use device drivers or similar to make things work. If you have a manual for your devices you might find linking that useful to getting more help.


A further description of what you're trying to do and what tools you're using, what is connected to what, where are different things, what information are you communicating (data types and amounts and rates, the content probably doesn't matter), etc will help provide more accurate responses.

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Message 4 of 4