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How can I use buffered analogue output with a SCXI 1124?

In the LabVIEW example SCXI 1124 update channels it states that if channel names (from the DAQ channel wizard are used to define the output channels, that it is possible to use the standard analogue out examples. When I try to use buffered output I get the error message -10403 at AO Buffer Config. (the specified device does not support the action, the driver recognises the device, but the action is inappropriate for the device.)I use LabVIEW 5, NiDAQ 6.1.1, SCXI 1000 chassis and an AT-MIO-16XE-50.

Thanks in advance for any advice.
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Message 1 of 3
Hi James,

SCXI-1124 is not capable of buffered output generation. it can only update single points at a time. You can use the DAQ board for Buffered AO generation.

A Rafiq
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 3

Hi A Rafiq,


I'm trying to do the same thing, using SCXI 1124 to output a suqare wave voltage supply to a step motor. I've been looking into examples but still not sure about a few things. Could you help me out?


1. You said SCXI 1124 doesn't generate buffered analog, does that mean I have to use a DAQ card to generate signal, put it in the buffer using DAQmx, then output with SCXI-1124?


2.Do you know if there is any similar examples? I found one but it's version is too old. I cannot open it. I'm using LabVIEW2010 or LabVIEW8.5





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