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How do I capture a triggered signal on DPO 4000 several times and then average?

The main problem here is speed.  I can average a pulse on the O-scope (using just the O-scope) up to 512 times and then it shows the averaged signal on the screen.  Essentially, I'm trying to do the same thing with Labview Code such that I can take more averages of the same pulse and reduce noise.  I have managed to write a program that allows for data capture through the USB connection on the O-scope but when I average the signal doesn't look nearly as nice as it does on the O-scope, it also take a bit of time if I want to say take 1024 individual traces and average them. Any help that could be provided would be greatly appreciated.


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Message 1 of 4
You will never be able to even approach the speed that the scope can do internal averaging. When using your code, you are doing an acquire/transfer for each waveform. The scope does x number of acquisitions right after another and then does a single transfer.
Message 2 of 4
Hmmm...How about using an analog capture board to receive the trigger?  This then tells the software to go ahead and capture the waveform?  Also just realized my running average needs some work.  Thanks.
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Message 3 of 4

If you are considering a pc based solution, you will have much better transfer rates. You can read this tutorial.

Message 4 of 4