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How to deal with XNET Write and Read in one loop?

Also if you add a delay between write and read?

(It is not the timeout value im talking about, just a normal Wait(ms))

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 14

OK this is an old post but I was just reviewing the NI-XNET Hardware and Software Manual and looking at some exemples and I got back here.


Since you are writing and reading from the same interface you need to set the XNET Session Interface: Echo Transmit? property to TRUE.



0 Kudos
Message 12 of 14

Hi all,


    I have solved this issue at last.



0 Kudos
Message 13 of 14



How did you solve this issue? I am currently trying to write and read from 2 separately running vi's but I always get 0 frames read back on the first read if i leave frames to read as -1 and timeout to 0.


but if I add a timeout and tell it how many frames to read I always get the requested frames back. This is very weird behavior.


Does the session need time to start. i.e do we need to add a delay after starting the session?


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Message 14 of 14