11-07-2014 01:57 AM
Also if you add a delay between write and read?
(It is not the timeout value im talking about, just a normal Wait(ms))
02-03-2015 12:22 PM
07-25-2016 10:46 PM
Hi all,
I have solved this issue at last.
04-05-2018 09:04 PM
How did you solve this issue? I am currently trying to write and read from 2 separately running vi's but I always get 0 frames read back on the first read if i leave frames to read as -1 and timeout to 0.
but if I add a timeout and tell it how many frames to read I always get the requested frames back. This is very weird behavior.
Does the session need time to start. i.e do we need to add a delay after starting the session?