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How to make multiple X-Y curves on one X-Y graph

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Hi all, I'm trying to simulate 5 objects in my project. To do so I would like to see every one of them on the X-Y graph. Unfortunately when I'm Bundling 2 arrays of 5 elements, then the graph doesn't recognize objects. On the other hand when I'm extracting data for every object apart, then I have 5 X-Y graph. How to make it be visible on just one not five? Could anyone help?

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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author husarz

Sorry, I don't have the simulation toolkit, but did you know that "index array" is resizable?

(Also, what does the VI do right before the lower graph terminals)


To combine the lower graphs, buld the various cluster outputs into an array before wiring to the graph terminal

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Message 2 of 3

it takes data position x, y and velocity x,y for each objects to make simulation for each of them. Building an array helped, I'm not sure what happend, I'm quite sure I tried that like 5 minutes ago .....Thanks for help

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Message 3 of 3