10-02-2012 03:16 AM
You just have to try different things. Experiment with the VI's you got from Hameg. Changing current should be just like changing voltage, just replace the voltage-VI with the current-VI.
10-02-2012 03:23 AM
ok thank you i ll try now my self.
10-09-2012 02:48 AM
I am using 4 channel power supply , In that I want to connect two channel in serial inorder to get 43V.
can it possible to do so in labview ??
if yes then will you please tell me that what kind of changes i have to do for that.
my basic connection and vi are in attachment.
10-09-2012 11:32 AM
@AnkitRamani wrote:
I am using 4 channel power supply , In that I want to connect two channel in serial inorder to get 43V.
can it possible to do so in labview ??
if yes then will you please tell me that what kind of changes i have to do for that.
my basic connection and vi are in attachment.
This is instrument-specific. Probably you should read the operational manual for this power supply at the very least to see what it is capable of doing.
10-10-2012 01:30 AM - edited 10-10-2012 01:31 AM
Thanks Bill.
I am tryng to shut my powersupply off after finishing all the process but in the instrument driver vi there is no any vi for power off or software off.
now i am trying to design that logic can you give me any idea regarding to this that how can i shut off my power supply by using vi.
10-10-2012 02:29 AM
What do you mean by shut off the power supply?
If you want to turn off the output terminats, have you tried the "hmp4000 Configure Output State.vi" ?
10-10-2012 02:32 AM
ya thats same turn off.
I am trying with that let's see.
thank you.if suppose i have problem then i ll post here.
10-17-2012 02:57 AM
i have connected led with subvi and i want to turn it on when my power is on.
here in attachment i have attach that power on vi,as well subvi so you will get clear idea about my problem ,
is there any changes i have to do to turn on led because generally when there is any error in vi then led will on to show that there is error,but i want to make led on when there is no any error.
10-17-2012 08:06 AM
You have to invert the data line with a "NOT".
You can also right-clik on your boolean and change the colors. Green when OK and RED if error for instance.
10-17-2012 08:13 AM
thank you very much
i ll try it now..