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I need help with array leds

carlos55 wrote:

I was do the program, but I don´t want the 4 cases, I just want 2 cases; up and down, and that the enum be in the same fornt panel, but I can´t, can you help me? 

Interstingly, my solution does not have any case structures at all, just one flat for loop. 😄


If you do cases, you probably need four because there are for different directions the LED head needs to travel. How are you going to deal with it using only up and down? Who imposes that weird restrictions on the number of cases? As long as the functionality is correct, the number of cases should be irrelevant.


If you want the enum on the front panel, right-click it and "change to control". However, it does not seem to make sense to have it as a control. Can you explain?

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 29

I think you are beyond help.


Lawn care makes good money, or if you are into plumbing, that makes great money!

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 29

Sorry, but the reply was to Lewis G. Your code I cant see because have password.

But if you want help me, please see my program and tell me why the leds turn on just two leds.


I attached the VI

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 29

Fine, you are not beyond help since you built all that.


Turn on the "Execution Highlighting" button, then watch what happens. I have attached another file, this time it is a picture showing your "Execution Highlighting" button. Run your LabVIEW VI when watching the block diagram, and watch little dots flow down the wires.



0 Kudos
Message 14 of 29

Well, to troubleshoot you could place a few probes or use execution highlighting to see what happens in the code. Have you tried?


Overall, you have way too much duplicate code. For example the "replace array subset" belongs after the case structure, right? Also the wire branch to the indicator belongs after the case.


0 Kudos
Message 15 of 29

@bmihura wrote:

Fine, you are not beyond help since you built all that.

Well, it is basically Lewis's code from above, mutilated beyond repair by removing cases. 😄

0 Kudos
Message 16 of 29

hahaha, it´s true, but I want learn.


Please, more help, I deleted all cases, only have the for loop, but the execution is the same, ¿What can i do?




I attached the new

0 Kudos
Message 17 of 29

@carlos55 wrote:

¿What can i do?

Start by putting the four cases back in, maybe.... 😄 Try to understand exactly what the function of each code fragment is.


(Or come up with an algorithm that does not need any cases 🐵

0 Kudos
Message 18 of 29

Apparently the user has gotten bored with all this, and decided to try to see if he can hook someone else into doing the homework.

0 Kudos
Message 19 of 29

please, I´m only want help, I don´t want say bored, I´m not good in english, I like programing 😄


Thanks everyone for help 😉

0 Kudos
Message 20 of 29