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IMC VIs and LabVIEW 8

Hi all,
I' using an IMC Cronos PL-2 measuring device here. There are connectivity VIs that use the IMC COM Interface (ActiveX) to communicate with the device.
Unter LV7.1, everything worked fine. Under LabVIEW 8, it seems like data is only transmitted (or updated?) while I hold down the mouse button on the window bar of the vi window as if I wanted to move the window. As soon as I release the mouse button, no data is updated any more. It seems like this has something to do with priorities - does anybody already know a behaviour like this and give a hint?
Thanks in advance,
Message 1 of 9
I don't know if this really solves your problem but since today the LabVIEW 8.0.1 maintenance release is ready for download. This release resolves a huge list of issues and even if it doesn't resolve your problem it will still make a lot of sense to install it.

Best regards,

Jochen Klier
National Instruments Germany
Message 2 of 9
I installed the patch. It really solves lots of issues - I'm afraid this one not Smiley Sad
Still the same problem...
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9
Hy Stefan,
i want to use the IMC Cronos, but i don´t have any VI´s.
Please can you send me some example ?
(Sorry for my bad english)
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 9

Hallo Alex,

die IMC-VIs können bei der Installation der IMC-Devices-Software optional mitinstalliert werden - allerdings habe ich immer noch keine Lösung für mein Problem, daß die Sache mit LabView 8 nicht funktioniert. Ich bin jetzt mittlerweile dazu übergegangen, die Messdaten über ein Diadem-Dataplugin aus den Dateien einzulesen.

Da die VI's auch die IMC-COM-DLLs benötigen, macht es keinen Sinn, hier ein Beispiel zu posten, da du sowieso die VIs von IMC installieren mußt. Da sind dann relativ gut dokumentierte und ausführliche Beispiel-VIs dabei. Prinzipiell läuft das Ganze so ab, daß man ganz normal im IMC Devices seine Messung konfiguriert und dann dieses Experiment unter LabVIEW lädt - mit den IMC-VIs kann man sich dann z.B. einzelne Kanäle als Wellenform ziehen usw. - aber wie gesagt, nicht unter Labview 8 Smiley Sad

Ich hänge mal einen Screenshot von einem typischen Beispiel an.




0 Kudos
Message 5 of 9
Hi Stefan,
We just bought the PL2 and also have the same problem as you mentioned below. We also work with labview 8.0. Did you have in the meantime a solution for this problem. I would be very thankfull for your comment. 
Thanks in advance,
Message 6 of 9
Hi Geert,
IMC has a release candidate for a new imc devices software. I downloaded and installed it, but as our PL-2 is currently in a long term test run, I didn't have the chance to test it yet.
According to the IMC / Additive Hotline, the problem should be solved with this version.
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 9

Hallo StGl,


wo finde ich denn die IMC-VIs standardmäßig ?


Sie wurden mitinstalliert im Rahmen der IMCansas installation.





0 Kudos
Message 8 of 9

Hi Emre,


@Uygun_Lr wrote:

wo finde ich denn die IMC-VIs standardmäßig ?


Sie wurden mitinstalliert im Rahmen der IMCansas installation.

First of all: this is a worldwide English forum, so you better ask your questions in English.

Second: this is a very old thread, about 17 years old. It really would help when you list your system specifics, like Windows/LabVIEW/imc version and so on. (Or are you still running LabVIEW7.1/8.0 on a WinXP computer?) Btw. the last messages from Steffen are now 15 years old, so it is rather unlikely he still receives your question.


On your question:

As you know the VIs are installed you should also know in which location they got installed to!

Most often device drivers are located in the instr.lib (or user.lib) folders inside your LabVIEW installation folder...

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 9 of 9