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Is it possible that using property node to delete or add items?

I am writing a program for Sudoku. I used Enum for each numbers.
Is it possible that using property node to delete or add items of Enum variables?
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 13

HI fchen the enums don’t allow changing the string while in runtime, but you can use Text Rings and menu rings for this, you can change the value and the string while in execution

If you want to stick with enums you can use the disable items property node here is an example.

 Best Regards



Benjamin C
Principal Systems Engineer // CLA // CLED
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 13

Thanks, BeCeGa.

I will test it and report here.



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 13


     I am not able to open your example

because I have only Labview 8.0.

Could you save your sample to version 8.0?



0 Kudos
Message 4 of 13

How can I transfer the information in property node, for example, which items are diabled,

 from one Menu Ring control to another one control?

1. Now I am using Menu ring in 9X9 to represent each numbers in Sudoku.

And I can disable desired items using property node of each menu ring control.

2. To check if there are repeated number in row or column, the 9X9 numbers

are converted to a 2D array,each row or column in 1D array.

3. I want to diable items of elements in the array because it is easier

to index each number. THen I want to copy the numbers in the array

with some items diabled back to menu ring controls.

My questions are:

1. The element in the array is no longer menu ring type. How can I disable its items?

2. I tried to pick out a element and wire it to a menu ring indicator.

   I diabled some items of the indicator. How can I transfer the diable information

back to the original menu ring control?





0 Kudos
Message 5 of 13

Hi Fan,

Can U attach Ur VI saved for 7.1, or atleast can U post a screenshot of the FP to get a clear picture of what other controls re U using ?


- Partha ( CLD until Oct 2027 🙂 )
Message 6 of 13

OK. Here attached is my program.

The purpose is to simulate the Suduko game

and provide suggesting while users are playing the game.

After each choice the user made, the program

assumes this choice is correct and changes the

candidate numbers ( a few numbers for choice) in other

positions ( to avoid repeating number in each row/column/3X3 area).




0 Kudos
Message 7 of 13
Hi Fan,
Can U attach the missing sub-VI also ?
I'm not able to analyze the code... Smiley Sad
- Partha ( CLD until Oct 2027 🙂 )
Message 8 of 13

Yes. Forgot the Sub-VI.

Here it is.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 13
Hi Fan,

I'm also having trouble interpreting this VI... the use of nested, stacked sequence structures and local variables really breaks the LabVIEW dataflow paradigm and hurts legibility.

Might you be able to refactor this and ask specifically what sections we can help you with?

Best regards,
-Sam F, DAQ Marketing Manager
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Message 10 of 13