At first this was freaking me out because it looks like it worked.
I am using the W vector to define my colors so my graph iss a little different from yours.
If you change you method to "Plot3DMesh" and then run the VI, you will then be able to do the following from the front panel.
Pop-up on the graph and go to CWGraph3D >>> Properties
you will get the config screen for the graph.
Choose "Plots" tab.
Choose style >>> Plot Style >>>surface.
Then your example does the same thing I was reporting.
I believe I need to use the "plot3DMesh" method because I need to define color and the "surface" option is not available (in the config screen) until I use that method.
1) I am looking at a bug,
2) I
do not know how to use these graphs
3) Fill in your ideas here.
what do you think?