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LABVIEW controlled USB-to-SPI Hardware

Hey all! I'm trying to find a piece of hardware I can control via LabView that can send data via SPI protocol. It doesnt need to be anything special. I was using a FT232H chip but for the life of me I can not get it to work via LabView. Anyone know of anything. I know NI has some $500 dollar module but thats a hell of a lot more hardware than I need. Thanks!

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Message 1 of 9

you can try using an arduino for that. 


Message 2 of 9

@q1uant wrote:

Hey all! I'm trying to find a piece of hardware I can control via LabView that can send data via SPI protocol. It doesnt need to be anything special. I was using a FT232H chip but for the life of me I can not get it to work via LabView. Anyone know of anything. I know NI has some $500 dollar module but thats a hell of a lot more hardware than I need. Thanks!

This is a good reason start a open source project to build LV drivers for FT232H.

Soliton Technologies

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Finding it hard to source NI hardware? Try NI Trading Post
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Message 3 of 9

Raspberry Pi would be another option if going on the cheap side.

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Message 4 of 9

I need one of these as well and found several on Amazon.  I think I'm going to try out the Adafruit option though.


Adafruit FT232H Breakout - General Purpose USB to GPIO, SPI, I2C [USB C & Stemma QT] : ID 2264 : Ada...


This one uses the FTDI FT232H chip and is designed for control with Python code.  I can use Python but would rather have the option to control it with LabVIEW and C#/.NET as well.  I'll post back if I find better choices...

LabVIEW Pro Dev & Measurement Studio Pro (VS Pro) 2019
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Message 5 of 9

I had high hopes for the Waveshare products.  Especially this one ($21 at amazon😞  USB TO UART/I2C/SPI/JTAG - Waveshare Wiki


The Python example code just uses ctypes, so LabVIEW should be able to talk to it through a DLL, but there are no LabVIEW drivers I have found for any of these products.  That's not too surprising considering LabVIEW's popularity these days. ☹️ 

LabVIEW Pro Dev & Measurement Studio Pro (VS Pro) 2019
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Message 6 of 9

@santo_13 wrote:
This is a good reason start a open source project to build LV drivers for FT232H.

Here is a place to start: 

There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
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"Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God" - 2 Corinthians 3:5
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Message 7 of 9

@q1uant wrote:

Hey all! I'm trying to find a piece of hardware I can control via LabView that can send data via SPI protocol. It doesnt need to be anything special. I was using a FT232H chip but for the life of me I can not get it to work via LabView. Anyone know of anything. I know NI has some $500 dollar module but thats a hell of a lot more hardware than I need. Thanks!

Can you expand on what is not working for you with the FT232H chip? AFAIK, the FT232 chip only does RS232, not SPI or I2C... but I could be wrong.

The FT4232 chip can do all the serial protocols, including SPI and I2C.

I am personally using a "FT4232H MINI MODULE" dev board from FTDI. Available from Digikey. About the same price as an R-PI but a lot less functionality.

Adafruit also has a "FT232H USB TO GPIO/SPI/I2C" adapter board. It is half the price of the FTDI dev board. Also available from  Digikey.


Hope this helps.


Former Certified LabVIEW Developer (CLD)
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Message 8 of 9

@LVNinja wrote:

you can try using an arduino for that. 


This is what I used when I wanted cheap SPI in the past.  An Arduino can be flashed with the LIFA, or LINX software, and then that toolkit in LabVIEW can be used.  I usually have difficulty figuring out various settings.  But once I got it working I was able to select the NI SPI hardware or Arduino one for projects.

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Message 9 of 9