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LV2011: Projects - Copy Entire RT Target?

As the subject said, I have a LV2011 project. And within this project is an RT target (cRIO-9074, with 6 modules populated). 

I was wanting to copy to whole target to do some fairly heavy hacking on it while leaving the original undisturbed (I am not ready to roll out some versioining system yet).

So I right clicked on the target - no option to 'copy', no option to 'paste' I figure it's a no go.

So I just ctrl-Cd, and ctrl-Vd.....and after a bit of nothingness a new target appears!

However, somehwat annoyingly....the Modules under the chassis have not carried over the channel names I assigned to the I/O. So any VIs that reference these will not compile.


I tried copy and paste of a module from chassis to chassis but the same thing happens.


Is there a better way? I have searched a bit, but can't find anything.

Alas, Core 1, 2, and FGPA training classes didn't really cover it either.


Any way to avoid a brute force re-entering of these channel names?




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Message 1 of 4


From what I have found the easiest way to get a "copy" of your current target is to re-add it to the project.

Right click on the target's chassis and select "Deploy All"
Right click on the target and select Disconnect
Right click on the target and select Properties
Change the IP address of the target so that it differs from the actual target, click OK.
Right click on the project and select New » Targets and Devices and add the target again.
You should now have a "duplicate" target. However, because you deployed all the module names the newly created target will have copied them.

Does this answer your question?

Craig H. | CLA CTA CLED | Applications Engineer | NI Employee 2012-2023
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Message 2 of 4

I was hopeful - but all this gets me is a blank target - not even a chassis.


I deployed all to exisitng target (110 front panel windows opening was fun to watch!)

It looks as if discovery of new target only works on primary ethernet port (which set for DHCP - and was disconnected) - so I moved my cable from the secondary (static) to the primary, and eventuially got a new target in the project. Which explains the self assigned IP address.


However, as I said it is empty.

Compare to







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Message 3 of 4

You have options...


1) Under the project there is the File --> Save As --> Duplicate option you can try.  I've found that at times it can make mistakes and things that should not be crosslinked between the old and the new are crosslinked anyway.


2) Assuming all the VIs, controls and whatnot are within a single folder tree, you can make a copy of that top-level folder and everything in it to a renamed top-level folder and get a copy of the project that way.


For the foregoing two methods, before opening the copied project, exit LabVIEW and then temporarily rename or move the old top-level project folder to something or someplace else so that LabVIEW cannot find it, should it try. This will ensure that when you do open the copied project, LabVIEW will be forced to look only in the copied folder to resolve its dependencies. After opening and saving all top-level files in the project, you can restore the original project folder back to its original name or location and be sure that crosslinks will not exist between the two.


3) Again, assuming there is a top-level folder, you can ZIP up a copy of that top folder and everything in it and save that ZIP file so that you can restore the project to its original state if the hacking goes bad. Honestly, routinely doing this to a project every few days and using a different dated zip file name each time is a good way to be able to backtrack if you find that you've headed too far in the wrong direction to undo easily.


4) Finally, you can create a new project along side the old project and drag and drop many items from the old to the new and in most cases they transfer just fine.

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