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Labview + Arduino Mega + Wireless?

I have been looking around to find out how to do this and I feel like I am no closer now than I am now. I don't know what I am missing here either. I am trying to program a robot with LabVIEW with LINX and Arduino. I am ab get it working when I am wired into it. But I can't seem to find a good way to connect to it wirelessly. I have tried the bluetooth HC-06, XBee S2C, and the ESP8266. With the bluetooth I get 2 com ports that show up for it and that causes connection errors. with the Xbee's I cant get it to work, and the EXP8266 as well. I know on all of these for communicating I am missing something simple. I have searched for the past few weeks and have come up empty. And the tutorials that I can find are using the arduino IDE and not labview. What I really would love to use are the XBees because of the range capabilities (for future projects). Could someone please help me to get over this hurdle.


To help clear this up a bit more, this is how I want to have it set up:

Joystick Connected to Windows 10 Computer, and running the program from the computer to control the robot, to be able to get feed back from sensors and such.


I hope this is clear enough. I feel like I have been looking into this for so long my brain just isn't working properly. Thanks in advance for any and all help.

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Message 1 of 4

Well in general you want devices that are "transparent"  like HC-06 or HC-05 bluetooth serial adaptors.


I would suggest the HC-05 as they can be ran in master or slave mode (HC-06 is slave only) 


Once these are configured and paired to your computer they become transparent and appear as just another serial port to LabVIEW or any other application.


What kind of "connection errors" were you getting?


You have to configure these using a terminal program like Teraterm and set up their operating mode, PIN, baud rates, UART, etc before you can use them. 

=== Engineer Ambiguously ===
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Message 2 of 4

Thanks for the suggestion! I just ordered an HC-05 and will report what I find. 


As for Connection Errors I wasn't even getting that far. When I was using my HC-06 my program wasn't even getting past the Serial VI. That's why I have been so stuck is because I couldn't find anything to help me get a foodhold. 


And if the HC-05 works that will be great! And if I can get help with the other devices as well, I would be more than happy to write up comprehensive tutorials for them.

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Message 3 of 4

Here's a quick update on what I found. And I will have more time to dig into the others. But I was finally able to get the Xbee S2C devices to work. The problem that I found out was the adapter board I am using is labled but didn't function how you would expect. The pins labeled TX/RX didn't do any communication. I will look more into this. But I have a hunch that they are used for programming the Xbee, and not communicating with another xBee. But once I figeured that out, it worked like a charm.


Like I said I will post more detailed findings for as much of the devices that I have used and will opefully get working so it's easy for others in the future


Also the hard thing with the HC-05 showed 2 com ports and I think one is ment for sending and one for receiving, but I will also dig into that more, and post examples.

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Message 4 of 4