08-20-2022 12:29 PM
I get this error when I try to obtain data with MyDaq, I am using the latest version of labview, I already tried uninstalling labview and the problem is not solved, I would like to know if you can help me.
Thank you
08-20-2022 08:30 PM
Attach the VI at generates this error. It would also help to say precisely what version of LabVIEW you are using. Please note that not too readers of this Forum have installed LabVIEW 2022 Q3 (or whatever is the new designation) ...
Bob Schor
08-22-2022 06:07 AM
Try to repair (or uninstall\install) DAQmx:
Solved: Fix LabVIEW Code generation failed to execute - NI Community
08-22-2022 07:42 AM
Could be something corrupt in "<vilib>\express\DAQmx\DAQAssistantConfig\ConfigVIs.llb\Configure DAQmx Assistant.vi"
Could be something corrupt in "C:\ ... \National Instruments\MAX\Assistants\DAQ Assistant\common\supportFiles\ExpressVIsxxx.llb\"
Could be an improper installation of LV or NI-MAX.
08-25-2022 02:36 PM
Running 2022 Q3 (just installed) and get the same response when pulling in DAQ Assistant. Please update if resolved. Pinging tech support...will do the same.
08-25-2022 03:16 PM
For anyone new with the same issue on LV2022 Q3, this is a known issue documented here - https://www.ni.com/en-us/support/documentation/bugs/22/labview-2022-q3-known-issues.html
To resolve the issue, in addition to LV2022 you just have to install LV2021 SP1 (no need to activate)
08-25-2022 03:20 PM
Many thanks.
08-26-2022 03:14 AM
10-14-2022 04:10 PM
I wasn't able to download the 2021 SP1 version even though i have license for 2022Q3
10-14-2022 04:53 PM
You need to login, then try to download