A few questions that, I think, need to be answered to determine a nice way to stop the application :
1. How many tasks do you need to stop at the same time ?
2. What kind of task are we talking about ? (I guess you have some instrument control, measurments, what else ?)
3. Is it important to stop all the task exactly at the same time ?
I can remenber a
discussion started by Ben a while ago, basically he had lots of parallel task (about 5 or 6 hundred timed loops) and he had just 1 global variable to stop these tasks at the same time and after noticing some issues (update of the global variable in the user interface thread as far as I can remember) so after benchmarking different techniques (notifier, queues, FGV) he went for an FGV.
Hope this helps
We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.
Antoine Chalons