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Load-displacement plot

I have an LVDT and a Load cell connected to a DAQ which is interfaced with my VI. I acquire the two voltage signals generated by these two and do some calibration and display

the corresponding displacement and the load proportional to the voltages i receive. Now, how can I plot a graph with load on x-axis and displacement on Y-axis. This might sound

a bit naive but I'm new to Labview. Every plot I see in Labview uses time as its x-axis. Can someone help me out?


Thank You.


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Message 1 of 4
Use an XY graph. It's in the same palette as the other graphs. You feed it an X and Y array (bundled). See the examples that ship with LabVIEW. They show you how to use an XY graph.
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Message 2 of 4

It seems for a while ago, yet does anyone has this particlar VI ?

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Message 3 of 4
Look it up. It still ships with LabVIEW -- and go through the tutorials. The are online and FREE.


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Message 4 of 4