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Metal Loss Detection

Folks, I am still searching for an example code or tutorial on Metal Loss Detection using Labview code.


I am trying to program a behavior that a metal loss on an iron rod is detected by eight lasers when the rod passes through the eight lasers and the amount of loss is detected and display on a waveform chart.  As a starter in labview programming, I just need a closely related Labview example or discussion that I could study the logic and continue from there.


I would appreciate if anyone can help me with any resource.



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Message 1 of 4

Are you having problem developing an algorithm to determine the loss or having difficulty implementing the algorithm in LabVIEW?


For the former you need someone who is knowledgeable about the technique, even if they have never heard of LV.


For the latter we can help you, but you will need to be more specific about the particular parts where you are having difficulties. Is the problem acquiring data from the laser detection system? Is it in analyzing the data? Is it in displaying the data?


The more detailed your description of your problem, the more likely that someone will be able to provide a good suggestion.



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Message 2 of 4



Thanks for your response.  I am trying to develop the algorithm and I just need like an example or what has been done closely related to that, and een as a beginner in Labview, I would still be able to understand whatever logic and add my understanding of the behavior I want to implement into it. 


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Message 3 of 4

The algorithm has nothing to do with LabVIEW. The algorithm describes how you would make the measurement without regard to the tools used.


I do not know how your measurement works so this example is probably not correct:


- Turn on lasers with no rod present.

- Take detection measurement.

- Store as baseline.

- Insert rod.

- Take new measurement.

- Calculate values based on current measurement and baseline values.

- Repeat as needed.


Once you have defined the algorithm, then you can begin to work on implementing it in LV.



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Message 4 of 4