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Multiple plots on waveform

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Here is my program. All I need is to show on one waveform CV[%], SV[C], PV[C] and I totally don't understand how to do it because LabView isn't my strong side. Please help me ;/



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Message 1 of 5

Hi xFino,


@xFino wrote:

Here is my program.

No, there is just an image of the block diagram…

We cannot edit/run/debug images in LabVIEW!


(And you even forgot to use AutoCleanup before posting, so the code is quite a mess.)


@xFino wrote:

All I need is to show on one waveform CV[%], SV[C], PV[C] and I totally don't understand how to do it

So you even are not capable of opening the context help window, to place a chart on your frontpanel, to look at its terminal in the block diagram to see how to wire it in the context help and then follow the suggestions on how to provide multiple plots to one chart?


@xFino wrote:

because LabView isn't my strong side. Please help me ;/


  • see the Traiining resources offered at the top of the LabVIEW board
  • follow the hints a gave in the paragraph before
  • don't expect someone else do yur homework
  • in your VI the SV "variable" is missing
  • are you sure you need arrays to present the one sample you read for CV/PV?
  • when attaching code you better downconvert the VI to LV2020 or LV2019 (file->save for previous) so more people can actually open it. LV2022 is not that widespread due to licensing issues
  • implement error handling
  • do those Modbus communication in serial (aka THINK DATAFLOW!) when you use a serial communication bus!
Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

I dragged and dropped the file at first time but it didn't attach and I didn't check that, sorry. I fixed my mistake.  


I know how to open the context help window and I was trying to add multiple plots by myself but as I said I'm new in LabView and this program isn't my strong side so I don't know how exactly do it. 

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Message 3 of 5
Accepted by topic author xFino

Hi xFino,


@xFino wrote:

I don't know how exactly do it. 

  • Place a waveform chart on your frontpanel.
  • Place a Bundle node on your block diagram.
  • Resize it to 3 inputs.
  • Get the first element from those CV/PV arrays.
  • Wire those first elements and your SV value to those 3 inputs of the bundle.
  • Wire the resulting cluster to your chart.


Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

Thank you very much man! I know that it's very easy thing and I should do it by myself, but I'm learning. Now I will know how to do it, thanks to you of course. Thank you once again and all the best. 

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Message 5 of 5