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Nonlinear curve fitting and convolution

Scarpa wrote:

I am working on a VI which takes in account an IRF by a Gaussian function but I am facing the problem of convonlution.

OK first of all, please don't use acronyms without detailed explanation. According to Google, IRF could mean anything from the "International Rectifier corporation" to the "International Rhino Foundation")


OK, looking at your VI now. Way too much code! If you want array elements in order, you don't need to wire the indiced to index array. If you are autoindexing, you don't need to get the size and wire N. You should also autoindex once and branch the wire inside the loop.

You probably get better performance with plan G code, for example the three exponential as well as the gaussian can be calculated in parallel.

I don't understand your gaussian pulse calculation. What are a and b defined as integers??? Why is the gaussian also shifted by x0?


Do you have some typical data and good parameter estimates?



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