10-31-2015 03:57 AM
I have 5 while loops. I control the tasks in all while loops using notifiers. May I use another operation different from the notifier because I think that using more than one notifier will complicate the block diagram (the code).
10-31-2015 05:01 AM
Pretty much any method of intraprocess communication can make a block diagram look complicated if you let it.
Using subVIs (or handlers) for much of the notifier activity, and even for the parallel processes (while loops), is a typical method for tidying them up.
For instance, I have an application which currently has something like 12 parallel services. For each service, there's a queue controlling many-to-one incoming communication, and a notifier handling one-to-many outgoing communication. But because they're all wrapped in subVIs, the top level VI just consists of a number of parallel subVIs; each subVI consists of the main loop with most queue or notifier activity wrapped into handlers, and so on.
11-02-2015 11:06 AM
I use Action Engine to maintain my queues, notifiers, and user events. I then typically make wrapper VIs for sending the commands through the AE. This setup has served me well on many projects and helps keep your diagrams clean