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Ocean Optics OceanHDX spectrometer driver.

I got an OceanHDX spectrometer after checking the LV drivers for one of their older models. When I tested it I saw a list of several different spectrometers and figured, that like many families of instruments, they used a common command set and things could be adapted.


Lo and behold this one is not included in the currently available spectrometers and they do not seem to use a common command set.  For this application I need to integrate the spectrometer into a data stream that includes several different instruments so using the OceanView software provided by Ocean Optics is a non starter. 


Is anyone working on drivers for this guy yet.

Message 1 of 23



Found this information on Ocean Optics' site. Seems like the HDX uses the Omni driver that comes with libraries for LabVIEW development. 



Small, High Definition HDX Spectrometer | Ocean Optics Spectroscopy


Software Downloads


Ocean Optics Programming Manual



Message 2 of 23

It is not working, I tried more than 4 hours, in my computer one software based on omni can connect to HDX, but labview can't, labview even can't detect the existing of HDX(no usb address when refresh)

Message 3 of 23

I am using the drivers that I got from Ocean Optics for windows 10 I used the following.


. . . \Ocean Optics\Ocean Optics 2000 4000\VISA_USB\HR4000\Ocean Optics HR4000.inf


Attached are the VIs that I used when I first set it up.  Feel free to use them.  They are embedded in my main routine in a separate loop in order to not slow down the rest of the instrument readings.


I found an email with this note from their tech support regarding the fact that you have to changed drivers to switch from LabView to OceanView software.


Good Luck,




The NI driver uses the NI-VISA USB driver.


Our software such as OceanView or OmniDriver uses WinUSB USB driver.

Ocean Optics USB Devices

              Ocean Optics HR4000


To work with the NI driver, you must change the driver from WinUSB to NI-VISA.

NI-VISA Devices



Example shown using a USB2000 spectrometer.


Go to Windows device manager, and right-click on the “Ocean Optics HR2000+ (WinUSB) line and select “Update driver.”


I could not find where I got the download from Ocean optics or if I needed a password but I attached the zip files with the drivers.



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Message 4 of 23

Oh and I just checked it dose not show up in MAX.  If you look in the init state you will find that it uses some type of .net connection.

Message 5 of 23



I am fighting with similar problems (Ocean Optics HDX but with Windows 7 and Labview18).


I installed this driver by force (right click on inf file --> install):

Ocean Optics 2000 4000 (ni_visa treiber)\VISA_USB\HR4000\Ocean Optics HR4000_vista

_vista because I read somewhere that _vista is the right one for Win 7.


After driver installation the HDX is correctly indicated in the NI-Max but it seems that I cannot communicate with the device.

If I try the from the device driver folder I get an timeout error (-1073807339).


Is this driver the right one?

Can anyone help with the timeout error?

@Tom_Powers: How did you manage to uninstall the automatically installed WinUSB driver und Win10?





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Message 6 of 23

I sent you a PM.  I have attached some instructions about using net wrappers to talk to the instrument.  I also attached what I am using to run the thing.  The name says RDX that is just a typo I have an HDX.


You have to install OmniDriver-2.56-win64-installer.exe  Or the 32 bit variant depending on which LV you are running.


When I try to load the software on my home computer which does not have that installed it keeps looking for.




This is an email that I got from Ocean Optics regarding this.  There is another one in the attachments.  If you get it to work and suddenly it stops do not forget the power down the spectrometer and power it back up.  I spent a week trying to get it to work remotely after I did a LV update and ended up having to get one of the guys that were going in during our Covid shutdown to check on infrastructure equipment to reset it for me.


Begin email.  You do need a password to do the download.  I expect that Norm will give you one when you call.


OmniDriver 2.56 is available on our website at


Select the OmniDriver 2.56 link for your operating system and bitness in which you wish to develop to download the appropriate file.


OmniDriver API Documentation


Use 64-bit OmniDriver with 64-bit LabVIEW or 32-bit OmniDriver with 32-bit LabVIEW.


We now have the newer (and easier to use) .NET interface to OmniDriver with LabVIEW. I have attached a basic information about the .NET interface, and a standard sample named


Additionally to use the .NET interface to OmniDriver with LabVIEW, you need to use the .NET 2.0 DLL (NETOmniDriver-NET20.dll) for LabVIEW 2012 or older or .NET 4.0 DLL (NETOmniDriver-NET40.dll) for LabVIEW 2013 or newer.


After installation, I recommend that you restart your computer to ensure that the new environment variables take effect.


If you try my sample, you may need to associate the NETWrapper constructor mode to the DLL file on your computer (NETOmniDriver-NET40.dll in ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Ocean Optics\OmniDriver\OOI_HOME’ for 32-bit OmniDriver on 64-bit Windows or ‘C:\Program Files\Ocean Optics\OmniDriver\OOI_HOME’.

Message 7 of 23

Dear Tom


i tired to do what you have done.

i copied the INF file to the %SystemRoot%\inf. i tried to update the driver from winusb to IN-Visa but i couldn't find it in the INF file in my computer.

when i open the file"%SystemRoot%\inf" i can see it, but when i browze it from the driver update, it doesn't work.

i'm using labview 2020 20.0 version. i use for now the 45 days trial.

i also installed omnispam driver 32 and 64 bit.




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Message 8 of 23

Hello Tom,


I tried the OceanHDX with the driver included in the OceanDirect software (just another ~500 EUR just for the .NET driver to use with LabView), luckily it was a trial for use in a 1-week free demo. The OceanDirect only supports Windows 10 (not even 8.1).


I made a simple VI just to test the new programming method (see attachment; it requires the NetOceanDirect.dll residing in C:\Program Files (x86)\Ocean Insight\OceanDirect SDK\lib.


I was able to run the VI once but the 2nd time the whole LabView crashes with an Unknown Exception 0xE0434352 (see attached screenshot).


I got the same behavior under Windows 7 with a spectrometer connected, and without a spectrometer under Windows 10 (with LabView 2021). The VI would run  normally and throw a LabView error saying that the number of spectrometers cannot be zero. However, the 2nd run cause LabView to crash. Even under Windows 7 and with the spectrometer connected (and the WinUSB driver), the VI would run normally once (LabView 2016 there), showing the correct number of devices (1) and the device's ID.


Some online blogs say that that Exception is due to misconfigured or damaged .NET Framework. I executed sfc /scannow in elevated Command Prompt but it found no errors in the system files. I ran the Microsoft .NET Repair Tool but it could not find anything, either...

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 23


Attached is a .llb file that is what I am using to acquire the data and write it to two different file formats.  You will probably only need one.  Also it has a interface in it that allows a different VI to request that it write a file.  If you do not click save data it should work on your system otherwise you probably have to set up a top level directory (my d:\Labview Data directory)


At least you know that this software has worked on a number of windows 10 machines.  I have to poke around some regarding configuring the computer.  But I thought that I posted that earlier in this thread.


Oh and I am on V2019 as we have to many machines to keep updating every year.  We pay for it as we have an enterprise license we just have to much on our plate to update 20 or 30 computers every year.

Message 10 of 23