12-09-2008 12:12 PM - edited 12-09-2008 12:13 PM
Hi all,
A friend of mine is relatively new to using LabVIEW. He's now working for a compagny that just upgraded their lisence from 6.0 to 8.5. However, due to the upgrade his measurement VI is not running anymore. I offered to help him, however, i'm afraid i'm not skilled enough to solve the problem.
At the opening it can't find the following subVIs:
AI config.vi
AI start.vi
AI clear.vi
AI read.vi
AI read (scaled array).vi
Device reset.vi
AI read one scan.vi
AI single scan.vi
AI singlescan (single-point waveform).vi
I know that this is related to the problem described in http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/4342 However, when following these steps i'm still not able to get the VI up and running as i'm not sure how to connect the replacement VIs.
Is there someone who might be able to help me out? (VI is attached)
Many thanks in advance!
Solved! Go to Solution.
12-09-2008 12:28 PM
12-09-2008 01:03 PM
You must deinstall your current nidaq and install nidaq 6.9.3. Also read this http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/websearch/F185E098C7EC5A3486256D2E00691BB2?OpenDocument
I am using LV8 and nidaq 6.9.3 Works fine.
12-09-2008 01:06 PM
Hmmz, sounds interesting,
Thank you both for the reactions, i will give it a go ASAP (prob tomorrow) and see if it works!
Any other suggestions are more than welcome!
12-09-2008 01:16 PM
12-09-2008 01:19 PM
12-09-2008 01:46 PM