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PCI 6251 with real time PC targeting

I am having problem is installing PCI 6251 on real time PC. I have installed  Labview RT in targeted PC and PC seems connected in " Measurement and Automation" in Devopment Platform(laptop) . It shows all the NI softwares which i have installed in it using " Measurement and Automation".I have inserted the PCI6251 in the PC. but  in " Measurement and Automation" it is not present in "Device and Interfaces" tree.How can i run any LV progam in this card using this targeted PC?

Please help me out


Yours sincerely

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Message 1 of 7

M Series devices work with any of three driver software options including NI-DAQmx, NI-DAQmx Base, and the Measurement Hardware DDK. Have you installed the specified drivers for the card? M Series devices are not compatible with the Traditional NI-DAQ (Legacy) driver.

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Message 2 of 7

Hello Ali,


Just for cross check you can do one thing open device and interface and right click and select create new. Under this new window select Simulated NI-DAQmx Device or Modular Instruments and press finish. In next window search control type 6251 and check you are getting PCI 6251 there or not.....

Thanks and Regards
Himanshu Goyal | LabVIEW Engineer- Power System Automation
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Message 3 of 7

I have connected card properly in PCI slot. Mt targeted PC is providing functionality like 1Mhz clock. But when I try to place DAQ assistant on VI it gives error "targeted PC is missing requird component".I have created simulated DAQ in "measurement and automation" on my laptop but it does not seem activated(green). On remote PC "Device and interfaces" when i select "create new it does not have any option for simulated DAQ or DAQ. I have installed all the software on target PC available in options of "measurement and automation" other that NI Sync 3.3.  when i install it it is giving error"NI sync 3.3 requires daqmx 8.50" . i dont know it is related with my problem or not but i have tried all these options But still cannot resolve


Yours sincerely

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Message 4 of 7

What is the version of your DAQ drivers. In MAX right click devices and Interfaces. Search Simulated NI DAQmx or Modular Instrument and finish. Select your device. Attach is the step by step foto of process.

Give detail of your all drivers and LV real time version.

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Message 5 of 7

I have done these steps. but the card is not activated means the simulated DAQ icon in the "Device and Interfaces" tree does not become green  . The card is present in "Remote system" .Not in development plat form. I have done these steps but card is not responding.


Yours sincerely

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Message 6 of 7

I have done these steps. but the card is not activated means the simulated DAQ icon in the "Device and Interfaces" tree does not become green  . The card is present in "Remote system" .Not in development plat form. I have done these steps but card is not responding.


Yours sincerely

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Message 7 of 7