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Parallel data aquistion from ethernet and DAQ

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Hi Guys,


I have made a labview program that controls a motor and acquires data from two sensors. when I use daq for both sensors it works fine but when I use the program given by the company for data acquisition via ethernet my data collection slows down significantly.

The whole program is divided to 5 while loops

1. Motor control

2. data acquisition from DAQ

3. Data aquisition from ethernent

4. Data writing 

5. image aquisition from camera


So I know for a fact that this is because of the section I added for Ethernet becuz without that using daq everything works perfectly but idk how I can optimize the speed. moreover the ethernet section works fine but the daq is slowed down.

I would appreciate any recommendations. 

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Message 1 of 3

Without knowing your Instrument, I'm guessing that it provides two types of output -- raw data (perhaps voltages corresponding to the outputs from the sensors) and Ethernet (which represents sampled and packaged values from these sensors).  It appears that LabVIEW, through DAQmx, might be faster and quicker at getting the data in than the hardware in your Instrument, which has do to the same conversion of data from the sensors into numbers, then transmit that to LabVIEW via TCP/IP, and then LabVIEW has to read and decode the data.


So why not just use LabVIEW and DAQmx?  Do you need to transmit the data over a distance?


Bob Schor

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Message 2 of 3
Accepted by topic author ahourash

Thanks for your reply. Yes part of what you are saying is true however labview is not slow because of the reason you laid out. 

I actually solved the issue by separation of data collection loops for ethernet and DAQ.


as for why, because I can get cleaner data without noise I am using ethernet. because I need nm accuracy from my displacement sensor. 

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Message 3 of 3