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Peak Search function

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"You just need to connect it to the indicator."and how to do it?
I have opened a file with YKAQ6370 Query Analysis SMSR, but what should I do with it next?


That is, I added an indicator, but what should I connect it to?

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 18

@NIquist's picture of the QueryAnalysis SMSR (whatever that means) shows a top-right output called "Peak WL" (which I think means "Peak Wavelength").  That's (I suspect) the indicator he means ...


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 18

Yes, I understood that 🙂
But I did not understand where to connect it on the block diagram? Did I do the right thing by connecting it to the "VISA session"? Or do I need to connect to another place?



0 Kudos
Message 13 of 18

You should add that VI after you initialize the instrument,


So that would be VISA session control, then Initialize VI, then Peak VI. 


Putting it in parallel as you have done might result in the Initialize resetting the OSA before the peak search commands are registered.


Hope that helps,

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 18
Accepted by Zariya

There is no particular VI or button that automatically returns the Wavelength Peak.  You need to set up the instrument and read the desired data just like you would if you pressed the physical buttons on the OSA.  I now see that you just opened the most complicated analysis example (WDM) and are trying to use that.  Throw it away and start over.


1) Open YKAQ6370 Analysis Thresh  It's one of the examples in the palette.NIquist_0-1715703052908.png


2) Set your OSA's VISA address in the VISA session tab.


3) Check to be sure that Trace A is active and its display is ON.


4) In the Meas Condition tab, set the Center Wavelength and span to whatever you are trying to measure.  (the WL of your light source)


5) Press the run arrow and you should see the instrument set up, run a scan and then you will see the data plot in the VI graph.

The Center WL and Spec Width displayed in the upper right (above the graph) is your peak wavelength and the spectral width at the -3db point.


Now take a look inside the VI to see how the OSA was set up and how the Spec Width Analysis VI and GET Trace VI exports the data.

You can play around with the controls and change resolution, etc.  But I suggest you actually read the OSA manual and do some research on optical spectrum analysis before you go any further. 😉


NOTE: If you unfamiliar with your source, be SURE you start with low power or use an attenuator or splitter.  Anything over +10dBm sent into most OSA's (depends on type and options) can damage the input section permanently.  OSA's are all designed to read small signals.  If you have a power meter available, check your signal with that before you use the OSA.  It should also give you a wavelength, so you know how to set the OSA's Center and Span parameters.


LabVIEW Pro Dev & Measurement Studio Pro (VS Pro) 2019
Message 15 of 18

Thank you very much, I did everything as you described, it helped

0 Kudos
Message 16 of 18

Hello everyone.
And how can the minimum value be determined? That is, the "Bottom Search" button on the spectroanalyzer

0 Kudos
Message 17 of 18

I forgot to add vi.:)
Before that, thanks to you, I managed to find peak searches, but now, on the contrary, I need to find the minimum values (in the figure they are about 1578 and 1583 nm.)



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Message 18 of 18