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Photometrics/Roper Scientific

Just out of curiosity, have you made any progress with PVCAM in the last month?

It occurs to me that you might find this script posted on the Micro-Manager mailing list as a useful reference for how to initialize, fill, and empty a sequence buffer.

Message Edited by kehander on 07-16-2008 03:13 PM
0 Kudos
Message 11 of 41

Yeah i did make some progress.
So, here's what I did. I wrote a new library which uses the pvcam library functions and removed all my problems with the datatypes there. Then I used this in labview. Further more there's a spectroscopy software fsc2 by Jens Toerring here in which he has used the pvcam library, but the only thing is that it is somewhat a speparate language built on C to run spectroscopy scripts and has lots of other datatypes and interlinking of its libraries . So, I modified some of the functions in it to get what I wanted. So here's a list of what I am able to do with the Roper Scientific Spec10 camera:

- Initialize the library
- Get the Temperature
- Set ROI, Binning, exposure time (this is somewhat a stretch)
- Getting the image (the spectra in my case) in the form of an array
- Closing the camera

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 41
Hi Yatin,
Congratulations with your progress with the PVCAM interface - could you possibly share your VIs with those of us trying to do the same?

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 41
The thing is there arent vis really. Its just C code made into a shared library which I use in labview. Also the whole thing is in linux.

So, i guess if you want to use it, it depends on whether the functions i stated before are enough for you.

Also I  made it for the roper scientific cam that I am using so am not sure whether it works on any other.

So, i can upload the librarz and c code if you want.


0 Kudos
Message 14 of 41
We are bringing online the opensource project to implement more or less full set of PVCAM functionality for LabVIEW. At the moment we are waiting for the copyright clearance. Please, visit us soon at and
0 Kudos
Message 15 of 41

that sounds great. Is it for windows or linux? Smiley Happy

0 Kudos
Message 16 of 41
Driver exists as Windows only at the moment. If I get some time (or help) porting G Image manipulation library to Linux it will also be Linux ...
0 Kudos
Message 17 of 41

that's great...
For linux i had made a library for using pvcam in linux during my summer intern.
But there are still some errors which werent handled and creep in rarely.
So, now i can use pvcam in windows Smiley Happy thanks to you.

0 Kudos
Message 18 of 41

I am trying to control a Princeton (Roper Scientific) CCD camera using the Labview 8.5 (via the PCI board). I imported  pvcam32.dll library in the Labview but I have some problems using it. For example, two functions I need to use at the beginning are pl_cam_get_name and pl_cam_open. In the header file they are described as rs_bool po_cam_get_name(int16 cam_num, char_ptr cam_name) and rs_bool pl_cam_open(char_ptr cam_name, int16_ptr hcam, init16 o_mode). First function allows me to receive the string identifier associated with my camera. It searches for the drivers, without checking the hardware. The second function initializes the camera hardware. If successful, the camera sends a camera handle to hcam. The error that I receive in Labview is C0_Cam _Name_Out_Of_RNG. Can be that the matter is in how I define the imput parameters?. May somebody please suggest me how correctly to use these functions from the pvcam32.dll or may be give me some example - that would be faster. I am a new guy to the Labview.

0 Kudos
Message 19 of 41

Which particular function is giving you C0_CAM_NAME_OUT_OF_RNG error code? Try calling pl_cam_get_total first to get the number of recognised camera in your system.

If it is your first run of PVCAM on this hardware/windows installation then run RSConfig first. Let us know the progress ...

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Message 20 of 41