07-16-2008 03:11 PM - edited 07-16-2008 03:13 PM
07-17-2008 03:37 AM
07-21-2008 09:13 AM
07-21-2008 09:23 AM
08-11-2008 10:24 PM
08-11-2008 10:43 PM
08-11-2008 10:46 PM
08-11-2008 10:53 PM
12-03-2008 03:24 AM
I am trying to control a Princeton (Roper Scientific) CCD camera using the Labview 8.5 (via the PCI board). I imported pvcam32.dll library in the Labview but I have some problems using it. For example, two functions I need to use at the beginning are pl_cam_get_name and pl_cam_open. In the header file they are described as rs_bool po_cam_get_name(int16 cam_num, char_ptr cam_name) and rs_bool pl_cam_open(char_ptr cam_name, int16_ptr hcam, init16 o_mode). First function allows me to receive the string identifier associated with my camera. It searches for the drivers, without checking the hardware. The second function initializes the camera hardware. If successful, the camera sends a camera handle to hcam. The error that I receive in Labview is C0_Cam _Name_Out_Of_RNG. Can be that the matter is in how I define the imput parameters?. May somebody please suggest me how correctly to use these functions from the pvcam32.dll or may be give me some example - that would be faster. I am a new guy to the Labview.
12-03-2008 10:35 AM
Which particular function is giving you C0_CAM_NAME_OUT_OF_RNG error code? Try calling pl_cam_get_total first to get the number of recognised camera in your system.
If it is your first run of PVCAM on this hardware/windows installation then run RSConfig first. Let us know the progress ...