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Polar Intensity Plot - new idea??

As requested all this VI does it take the poalr and radius values out jsut before you place them into the 3D plot and changesthem from a standard polar plot as shown in attatchment 1, and converts them into more of a 2D intensity plot, as shown in attatchement 2.

The subVI is also attatched.


John P.

If anyone spots a problem please tell me!


N/B as normal the Polar and Azimuthal values must be in Radians going into both the SubVI [only the polar in that case] otherwise you will have scalling problmes.

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Message 41 of 46

And more images,

also viewing the plot strait down ontop of the curve, so to make it a 3D [2D angular, 1D intensity]

with and without the lines on, with them on it looks far more like a polar plot, the outside lines can easily be turned off.

will take a bit more work to get angualr values to be shown on it.

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Message 42 of 46
I think you will really like this using mathscript to generate the surface mesh data.Smiley Very Happy Here is an 8.6 version and the saved for previous 8.2 version. The mathscript output pops up a great viewer window.
Message 43 of 46
Here is a picture of the mathscipt viewer. I also modified the script to have a variable grid spacing in 8.6 format
Message 44 of 46

Bit of a favour, but could you format a set of out puts from the Mathscript area on the lv 8.2 one that would allow me to put it into a normal 3d graph plot?

Your pop up one is cool but, i need a 3d graph on the front panel for my image grab work.

also, do you know how to set the defalts in the pop[ up one so that it doesn't bring up a grib plot, only a intensity one?


Really would apreciate it.

John P.

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Message 45 of 46

Hey, i've updated a new lv8.2 vi to have the better data sets i have.

Although they are good they suffer from the problem of not making a simple plot.

Each of the data row sets has a different number of lines for each of the columns. So saythe first row has just one, but the 10th row might have 30.

The data has begun to plot oddly. depending on which data set i use (all of which are complete and useable readable data) it seems to plot a different number of each one. - see attached images.


I've also put the vi on here if anyone can come up with a way of fixing this problem? or telling me whats going wrong.

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Message 46 of 46