09-18-2008 05:32 AM
I've read through the other numerious other posts about this but ican't see exactly what i'm looking for.
What i'd like to made is a plot that has intensity plot as the z-axis towards you, the polar angles are plotted as the rings going out, and the azimuth angles are plotted as the rotation.
So i'll have three lines of data {Intensity, Azimuth, Polar}
I've managed to plot the data as a 23 intensity plot, an image attatched
but simply switching the plot to spherical coordinates doesn't do it.
Any sugegstions?
Could i simply translate the data simply from x-y-z to a flat kind of polar plot??
09-18-2008 06:10 AM
09-23-2008 04:24 AM
Hi John,
What you are trying to do sounds quite interesting but off the top of my head I am unable to provide a solution. I can however suggest reading through the following links which should give you the information to create your plot. Some may not be directly related but may help you too familiarise yourself with methods needed to create more advanced plots.
09-23-2008 05:07 AM
Hi cheers for the links, i'm already familular with those bits
Its an interesting problem that i have found to work really well on a 3D plot for cartesian plot with z as the intensity
there must be a way of translating it to a polar plot, its just beating me really.
09-23-2008 06:41 AM
Do you have Matlab installed??
09-23-2008 07:39 AM
No, but i can ealsily get it, good idea, i don't mind using another programme for just displaying data.
09-23-2008 07:51 AM
I have to admit that I'm not keeping with you here John.
Did you try the the 3d graph using polar coordinates?
09-23-2008 08:23 AM
No problem, its quite hard to describe, but the matlab code handbook has given me the near perfect example of waht i'd like to do.
[see attatched] the only modification i would like to make would be to interpolate colour over the whole circular surface.
I did try and modify the 3d into polar coordiantes but it came out like a fan with all the data points pushing into one corner - looking nothing like what i thought it should.
I may have made an arbitary mistake, but i can't figure this one.
09-26-2008 07:05 AM
I have a suggestion that may help. If the MATLAB code does exactly what you require and doesnt need much reworking have you considered calling it from LabVIEW? You could run it using the MATLAB script node which will use Active X controls or if you don’t have MATLAB installed you could use the Mathscript node. If you require further assistance post back and I will look into the problem further.
Kind Regards,09-30-2008 03:39 AM
good thought,
only issue i've encountered is a lack of a local lisence for matlab.
I'm looking into it, but i may have a friend who can use idl to plot what i need, as all i have to do is read the data in.
John P.