09-30-2008 04:07 AM
09-30-2008 05:45 AM
No problem, took a little time to modify the data for ease of use.
The data is in a csv excel file, the 3 colums are as such:
Azimuth angle - Polar angle [angle away from normal] - Intensity
The zero values are missing data points from physicsl limitations of data capture, don't worry about them i can interpoalte them out later.
The image is simply a rough guide taking south as 0deg azimuth and the data points moving clockwise, i would expect a sharp spot in the intensity on the bottom end and a few blanks on the top side.
Hoep this helps thank you!!!
John P.
09-30-2008 06:53 AM
I'm not sure the csv file is what I think it is. It looks like it is referenced to the spot of data collection and not the overall large circle. I was expecting to see values reference to the center of the large circle, with an angle value, radius from center, and intensity. It might not matter if we know the offset distance to the center of the large circle. I was thinking of using the 3D picture control with either a mesh or height field map, but we would have to draw the grid lines if you want them.
09-30-2008 07:04 AM - edited 09-30-2008 07:05 AM
Cool, i tried 3d picture control (see early posts image) but when i tried to plot in polar coordinates it went a little odd
The grid lines aren't that big a problem, they could always be put in later, with some lines - done simular to that before.
The anglur values are simly spheircal coordinates, to try them into radius should be a pretty easy conversion, i think.
09-30-2008 07:23 AM
It looks like you might have cylindrical coordinates to start with.
09-30-2008 10:27 AM - edited 09-30-2008 10:29 AM
The coordinates i have already dispalyed the dat with was in a 3D dispaly with R being the intensity which was the value that gave the line a length, so you for m a structure which gives the highest intensities as the points the futherest away from the 0-point. so you form a structure [like the attatcement.]
Waht i'd like to do with the same data is to plot each point flat on a 2D axis with the 3rd dimension being the R with a colour dependant on value, interpolated for a whole circle of polar coordinates.
Does that clarify the problem??
10-01-2008 04:23 AM
Here is a screenshot of the 3d picture control. I just made the dots all the same size and color at the moment.
10-01-2008 04:43 AM
Cool, i think that is the right kind of flattened out look i'm looking for, how have you gone about it?
Was is a coordinate trasnfer or was there a bit more to it?
Thank you for your time on this.
John P.
10-01-2008 05:14 AM
Here is the part that converts the spherical to cartesian coordinates. The column order has to be rearranged.
10-01-2008 08:13 AM - edited 10-01-2008 08:14 AM