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Problem with Data recording with EPOS2 24/5 and LabVIEW

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Dear community memebers,

I've been trying some examples from EPOS library, and I would like to know how this example works and how data recording works.


Example data recording.jpg


Idon'tknowwhatdoestheparameters, thatthereareindecircle, means.

I would like to plot Position, Velocity and Acceleration. Has someone can explain me how does it works? and what is the funcion of the numbers in the cluster?



Best Regards,



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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author Xavi_oku

Hi Xavi,


you should ask Maxon to explain their software. Or read the manuals they provide...


Motors with some logic usually use a register based communication scheme. You write to certain register to set parameters, you read certain registers to know current parameters/values of the motor. Each cluster in that array is describing one of those registers/parameters, like the first one with register address x6064, sub-address x0 and value d4. Those parameters seem to resemble CANopen CiA specifications!


I can't open that VI due to it's LabVIEW version, but probably you will find labels on the input control of that subVI. Read the labels...

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
Message 2 of 3

Thanks, you are in the right way,

I've found the adress of each register and how does it means in the firmware aplication notes.


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Message 3 of 3