03-26-2007 12:39 PM
I’ve just upgraded my software from Labview7.0 to Labview8.20 and I’m having some problems with the VISA communication. In particular I’m sending commands and receiving data via serial port. The port is working correctly only if a strange symbol is present on the block diagram when you select COM1, COM2 etc in the port setting. If the symbol is absent the communication doesn’t work. I have the feeling that it is something related to the busy or free of the port but I’m not able to go on, how can I solve it?
The software works without problems with Labview7.0!
Thanks a lot
Giancarlo03-26-2007 01:01 PM
03-27-2007 01:30 AM
03-27-2007 07:56 AM
See the post at http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&message.id=212658&query.id=53336#M212658.
Are you doing a VISA Open before you try to do a Read or Write?
03-27-2007 12:46 PM
03-28-2007 03:20 AM
Hi Gcdago,
for comunication with serial port you don't need to open Visa session with 'VISA Open' if you set the serial port with 'VISA Configure Serial Port'. Remember to close the VISA session at the end in order to free the resource. For an example of a tipical serial comunication with LabView refer to Basic Serial Write and Read.vi in LabView examples.
Have a nice day.
03-29-2007 12:07 PM