05-03-2023 09:55 AM
@skinnert wrote:
I'm particularly interested in the section you added under "Make Even Multiples of Disk Sector Size" and all the "DAQmx Configure Logging (TDMS)" stuff.
The DAQmx API has built in logging features that will save data in a highly efficient manner, there is no way this can be beat with a producer-consumer loop. Unless you need a special file then the built in logging is always the best way to go, and simpler to program.
File writing can be a bottle neck, writing files that a multiples of the disk sector size allows the writes to occur without any offsets, increasing the efficiency. Not sure why NI recommends an even multiple.
@skinnert wrote:
I'm not familiar with the event register stuff either. What does it do?
The Event register triggers an events when the amount of requested data is available. Using an event structure instead of polling allows more options in the future, ie, changing the task, starting a new file, etc.
Try this: Disconnect the wire from the read to plot and see how you do. The data won't be displayed. See if that helps. No LabVIEW here, need to look at the properties for networked cDAQ to see if there is anything. Will check when at the office.
05-03-2023 10:23 AM
Can you post a screenshot of the error?
05-03-2023 10:26 AM
This is the error I'm getting now.
05-03-2023 10:28 AM
Which code gives that error? This is a general out of memory error, you have buffer copies somewhere, not a DAQmx error.
05-03-2023 10:37 AM
Looking at your screenshot, it appears you are trying to display 5 s of data.
20 channels at 500kSa/s for 5s, displaying doubles, is 80MBy!
A plot has 2 buffer copies. In addition you are trying to display 2,500,000 points on a few hundred pixels, it's not happening. If you want to display the data, do it in a separate loop and decimate the data.
Look at this https://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/Re-Rube-Goldberg-Code/m-p/3771315/highlight/true#M1062724
05-03-2023 10:54 AM
Ok, this is really good. I'm going to work with this a bit more to see if I can get some results out.
@mcduff wrote:
@skinnert wrote:
I'm particularly interested in the section you added under "Make Even Multiples of Disk Sector Size" and all the "DAQmx Configure Logging (TDMS)" stuff.
The DAQmx API has built in logging features that will save data in a highly efficient manner, there is no way this can be beat with a producer-consumer loop. Unless you need a special file then the built in logging is always the best way to go, and simpler to program.
File writing can be a bottle neck, writing files that a multiples of the disk sector size allows the writes to occur without any offsets, increasing the efficiency. Not sure why NI recommends an even multiple.
@skinnert wrote:
I'm not familiar with the event register stuff either. What does it do?
The Event register triggers an events when the amount of requested data is available. Using an event structure instead of polling allows more options in the future, ie, changing the task, starting a new file, etc.
Try this: Disconnect the wire from the read to plot and see how you do. The data won't be displayed. See if that helps. No LabVIEW here, need to look at the properties for networked cDAQ to see if there is anything. Will check when at the office.
Disconnecting the wire from the plot helped. I was able to record all 20 channels at 500K.
That seemed weird, so I hooked the graph back up and it started working. I strongly suspect I screwed something up the first time. Let's go ahead and blame an insufficient amount of coffee.
I need to check this against the 9188 chasis as well.
I have to admit, I'm not even sure how this code is recording data. I've only ever used the standard TDMS structure.
It works really well though.
05-03-2023 11:51 AM
Some other thing to try:
If you have an error please post an image of it.
The differences between original code and my example:
05-09-2023 11:43 AM
It sounds like you've got it mostly figured out, I just wanted to echo the whole "keep track of buffers" thing. Buffer copies will make your 80 MB of data explode into a LOT more than that.
I had a DAQmx project a while back that (IIRC) sampled data over two cards at a total of ~2 MS/sec. At 8 bytes per sample (they were doubles) that was 16 MB per second, so on the order of what you're dealing with.
My application was a monitoring one and didn't need to keep track of ALL of the data. It just needed to know when data changed REALLY accurately across a coupled dozen channels.
I would take a block of data and do some processing, including some curve fits and averaging, then log a few data points. Something like a max, min, and average (I can't recall).
I made sure I wasn't trying to display ALL of my data at once, and this code was able to run indefinitely without causing memory issues. I think the longest experiment ran for a few weeks, maybe a month, of continual data monitoring at very high rates. So yes, you can get super high throughput with DAQmx, but once you start trying to display a boatload of data all at once (and update plots super frequently) you can run out of memory REALLY quickly.
05-25-2023 05:35 PM
Late reply, but better late than never!
I can only mark 1 thing as a solution so I did that. The McDuff solution was what contributed most to my success. I like the DAQ-MX logging quite a bit. I haven't yet figured out how to enable/disable it since I don't want it recording all the time and also how to add additional header information to the resulting TDMS files... I've got some research to do but I'll get there.
Ultimately a number of you nailed the real problem on the display. I was displaying WAAAY too many points. Once I decimated the data down to a manageable amount to display it ended up running just fine.
Thanks for the help!
05-25-2023 05:54 PM
@skinnert wrote:
Late reply, but better late than never!
I can only mark 1 thing as a solution so I did that. The McDuff solution was what contributed most to my success. I like the DAQ-MX logging quite a bit. I haven't yet figured out how to enable/disable it since I don't want it recording all the time and also how to add additional header information to the resulting TDMS files... I've got some research to do but I'll get there.
Ultimately a number of you nailed the real problem on the display. I was displaying WAAAY too many points. Once I decimated the data down to a manageable amount to display it ended up running just fine.
Thanks for the help!
Actually you can mark more than one reply as a solution.