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Re: Beginner at LabView, Load Cell Force Measurement?

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sir how to connect the beam type load cell of 1 kg and same that excidion voltage 5V and how to interface the mydaq device plz explain this is my problem 

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Message 1 of 4

Hi Ragu,

   It depends on type of daq which you are using and also the signal conditioner to amplify te signal from sensor, anyway what type of daq you're using?


Paul robinson

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Message 2 of 4
Accepted by ragusakthivel

actually i am using only my daq, it is useful or not , because i am already  cheack the  my daq  reading was not get aqurately so which eqipment is best result output for loadcell (beam type 1kg) measurement using labview .. please explain me sir 

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Message 3 of 4

The myDAQ has an analog input with a range of +/-10V. That seems to be plenty for your application with a maximum voltage of 5V.


I don't see where you describe the setup or the exact problem you are having. What have you done, what does it do it, and what do you expect?

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Message 4 of 4