08-15-2008 12:30 PM
I'd like to read data from environmental chamber controllers (System Plus) into LabVIEW through RS232 connections. Has anyone done something similar?
I see interfacing with the serial controllers as the biggest obstacle and although not directly related to LabVIEW programming, I'm hoping someone here can give me some advice or resources on how best to do so now days.
My first thought is to write a program with VB or C++ to act as a terminal and write the data to a text file for LabVIEW to poll. Aside from using Telix decades ago to work with BBSes, my only other serial experience consists of interfacing with a Kiethly multimeter using a C++ program.
I would rather not use multiple PCs but I have never worked with more than one serial port on a computer before in the past. Perhaps LabVIEW itself already provides for multiple serial card communications (wouldn't that be perfect)?
Any info would be great.
08-15-2008 12:47 PM
08-15-2008 01:22 PM
Thanks Dennis.
I spoke with Envirotronics and they do not provide the driver for the System Plus controller any longer since there were issues with changing hardware and software. Their IT department may be able to put something together for me.
Using USB->RS232 connections would be nice given the abundant number of USB ports available on modern PCs.
Without a driver I see parsing the serial text as a challenge in LabVIEW. I know how to approach this with a traditional programming language but are there any examples around here of how this is done with LV (most recent version is fine)?
08-15-2008 01:39 PM
08-15-2008 02:06 PM
08-15-2008 02:08 PM
Hi Unclebump,
I do have the manual explaining the protocol.
The controllers do not send the data continuously. I will be reading four different data points. The commands will be as follow:
read pv 1
read setpoint 1
read pv 2
read setpoint 2
I do not have the format of the results with me but I'm guessing I could edit an example. I haven't looked for examples in the LabVIEW help yet, I'll start by checking there.
Are there any specific VIs/functions that you recommend I look into?
08-18-2008 05:09 PM
LabView uses VISA as its interface with serial. There are several shipping examples that explain how to configure and inplement this communication. They are located in LabVIEW >> Example Finder >> Hardware Input and Output >> Serial >> Basic Serial Write and Read. All you need to do is input your commands into the "String to Write" command box.