11-03-2007 12:50 PM
11-04-2007 04:06 PM
11-07-2007 08:24 AM
09-16-2014 10:41 AM
I need to use a flow meter (manufacturer Omega, model FPR-303).
This flow meter has three cables: red, white and black.
According of the Omega, the red is the sensor power supply (5-24 V DC and 2 mA current), white is the signal and black is a ground.
The sensor`s output is current sinking pulse (6-24 Vdc), the sensor input on PLC can accept a current sinking device and the PLC frequency response > flow meter output
I want use my NI USB-6210 to edge count and determination the flow according with factor-k that i obtained by manufacturer.
I read the USB-6210`s manual and connected the red in +5V, white in FPI 0 for crt0 and black in DGND, all of the wires in Digital I/O side.
I have tried to use the NI USB-6210 on my Labview SignalExpress. In Labview SignalExpress i did: Connected the NI USB > Add step > Adquire Signal > DAQmx Adquire > Counter Input > Edge Count. I choose the falling active edge and Sample On Demand.
I have tested the NI USB-6210 and flow meter, but i do not have success.
Is NI USB-6210 applicable in this case?
If it is not, please, send me the appropriate equipament.
Tallita Nunes
09-16-2014 12:07 PM