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Reading data on both rising and falling edges using NI usb 6210

I am trying to read the data on both the rising and falling edges of the digital pulse train that is generated using the counter output in USB 6210 thru an AI channel on the same device (6210). Can some one give me a hint or direct me to an example on how to do this?
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Message 1 of 5
Dear NPW, in my project with an 6210 I use a DI for trigger. With AI, the trigger not work .
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5
It appears that this question is directly related to your other post, USB 6210 change in edge detection, which has been answered.
I've also posted a few related links in case you wanted to research further into change detection.
The Industrial Feature Set: Change Detection
Digital Change Detection in NI-DAQmx

Good luck with your application.
Mark E.
Precision DC Product Support Engineer
National Instruments

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Message 3 of 5



I need to use a flow meter (manufacturer Omega, model FPR-303).
This flow meter has three cables: red, white and black.


According of the Omega, the red is the sensor power supply (5-24 V DC and 2 mA current), white is the signal and black is a ground.
The sensor`s output is current sinking pulse (6-24 Vdc), the sensor input on PLC can accept a current sinking device and the PLC frequency response > flow meter output


I want use my NI USB-6210 to edge count and determination the flow according with factor-k that i obtained by manufacturer.

I read the USB-6210`s manual and connected the red in +5V, white in FPI 0 for crt0 and black in DGND, all of the wires in Digital I/O side.


I have tried to use the NI USB-6210 on my Labview SignalExpress. In Labview SignalExpress i did: Connected the NI USB > Add step > Adquire Signal > DAQmx Adquire > Counter Input > Edge Count. I choose the falling active edge and Sample On Demand.


I have tested the NI USB-6210 and flow meter, but i do not have success.

Is NI USB-6210 applicable in this case?
If it is not, please, send me the appropriate equipament.


Tallita Nunes

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Message 4 of 5

Please don't ask the same question multiple times. Please don't post to old and unrelated threads. Please post to the courtesy board.
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Message 5 of 5