This is my very first post on this board. Im hoping the community can help me out with a few questions I have. This is what Im trying to achieve. I am part of a team of engineers and tech's that are developing a new board design. We are in the process of developing the circuit. I am the lab tech assigned to complete testing of proposed circuits. The engineers are requesting that I test these designs at various temperatures. We have set up our test bed remote to my lab so I have to run all over the place and set my oven temperature, wait for it to reach temp, let soak, and then collect 4 waveforms on the scope. I am trying to set up a testbed that I can run remotely from the lab using labview and collect the waveforms and dump them into an excel spreadsheet for the engineers to evaluate. I have a testequity environmental chamber which has the ability to be controlled using GPIB. It has a Watlow F4 controller. It uses Modbus to communicate. I also am using a Tektronixs tds3000 family 4 channel oscope. This instrument has GPIB interface capabilities also. I have looked at NI site and they have drivers for the scope and the controller on the oven. I was sent to labview training a few months ago in Ohio, so I'd like to show them a good return on their investment. I have completed labview I and II. Does this sound like something I could do, or is it too complicated for the beginner. It seems it would be a great intro into real world Labview applications. I'm hoping I can get some tips and help from you guys. So in a nutshell this is what I want to do: From my desktop computer access the computer in a remote location which will be connected to the oscope and the environmental oven, monitor 4 waveforms at various temps. First at 25C. Take the readings, save files, ramp oven up to 50C take readings, save files, ramp oven to 75C, take readings, save files, and so on all the way up to 175. Im trying to keep it simple as this is my first attempt and it will be as much an assignment as it is a learning experience. Also I have Labview 7.1 developers program installed on desktop in lab. Any help you guys could give me would be greatly appreciated. Im pretty excited about this project and Labview in general. Thx in advance.