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Representation of Overlay line as colour spectrum for varying lengths of line on image for shift in pixel analysis


Hello Everyone,

I am working on seeing the difference in displacement between two images as pixel shift. I have attached the image below showing the shift between two picture by pixels. Marked lines shows the shift. I would to make the lines in different colour depending upon the size of length of shift as there are variation due to noise.  Please suggest me what to do so that I can change these lines to different colour depending upon their length variation.






shift in image.png

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Message 1 of 4

Assumed that you using IMAQ Overlay Line. Here you have terminal called "Color". Use it for colorizing your lines during drawing.


09-11-2015 14-04-47.png


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Message 2 of 4
Hi Andrey, I have already used this terminal that is why there are lines with light green color. I wanted to draw lines with different colours depending upon the line length. As in the picture you see only one color is used for all lines. But I want to have different colors for different lengths at the same time.
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Message 3 of 4

Unfortunately there is no "out of box" pimitive which will map length to the color. You have to do it yourself.

Assumed that all lines created somewhere in the cycle, so you will need to map length to color by lookup table, something like this:

09-11-2015 14-43-10.png


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Message 4 of 4