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Resize Object inside tab control

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I am having problems with the design of a user interface. I need to have several controls resize with panel inside a tab control.


Am I seeing it right, that there is no way to have a resize done inside a tab control with decorations separating the controls?

I haven't checked LabVIEW 2013 yet.


I attached a vi in LV2012 as example.


Thanks in advance.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6

How are you resizing the tab control?


Why are you resizing the tab control?

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

I have a GUI that has to fit different screen resolutions. That GUI offers a variety of functionality that is organized on different tab pages. I want to have plots and tables use all space available. So I need to have these resize.


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Message 3 of 6
Accepted by DAckermann

Yeah this is a feature I've also wanted over the years.  Here is the first result I got from the idea exhange but I think there are duplicates around.


Basically you can't do it nativly but you can trick it into working for you.  You make a fake tab that the user interacts with, that chagnes the value of another tab that has the stuff in it, then you fit each thing you want that is in the tab when it is shown.  This works well if the thing in your tab is one item that scales to fit it, but if in one tab you have a graph, and another you have a bunch of buttons that shouldn't scale, then you will get some strange behavior.  You can tell the graph to no longer scale to that pane, but then you lose the "Scale Objects While Resizing" that make the UI so much more native looking.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

Thank you for that suggestion. That is an interesting workaround 🙂


I came to the conclusion, that I can realize the behaivior I need only with subpanels. The resizing of subpanels seems to do what I need, because it is possible to use also splitters in the panels.

Combined with your fake tab, it could even be made looking like a resizing tab control.



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Message 5 of 6

Yes I do like adding a subpanel to the mix, however it does add another layer of complexity that makes development a little more cumbersome, as well as making the code less readable by others who are unfamiliar with what is going on.  It is often more difficult to make a nice flashy UI then most people think, otherwise everyone would do it.

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Message 6 of 6