08-04-2011 10:40 AM
Hi i am looking to have the option to move controls and resize them in a running VI, is this possible? the idea is to have the option to restructure the front pannel in a running enviroment, maybe using a mouse click event combined with property nodes? Any tips?
Thanks in advance
08-04-2011 10:56 AM
08-04-2011 11:07 AM
Thanks for the response, this is pretty much what i want but is there an option to move the led manually with the mouse, like a "click and move" to select the control with the mouse and move it? something like a drag and drop
Thanks again
08-04-2011 11:08 AM
I attach a quick example:
First the positon property. this is setable while running and can be used to change where the object displays.
Bounds tells us how wide and high but is read only. Fit to pane works for resizing the object ans stlitter bars can be moved (or programatically resized)
So a combiation of splitter bars and moving position might get you there. Try out the example- move the vertical splitters and click in the center pane
10-11-2011 09:15 AM
there's also an example in 8.5 here that does what your looking for: move, hide, resize controls
09-11-2012 01:13 AM
Hello can you please post this VI for LV2009...