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Hi Zamoro,


I have used motorola symbol DS457 bar code and used following file to decode the data.

Let try this one.




Message 11 of 16

This code works fine Thanks.

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 16

@zamoro wrote:

This code works fine Thanks.

Actually it has several potential problems. I dind't really look closely at everything, but it will for instance certainly cause memory corruption (error 1097 or crash) if you happen to run it on a system where more than one SNAPI compatible device is present. And there are other potential problems in the code. Definitely not something I would recommend to use in a production system.

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
0 Kudos
Message 13 of 16

I also use the DS457 barcode scanner, I saw your code “” and I don’t really understand how you use the “Windows Messages”.


you create message list 8001 to 800C associated to aplication Window, isn't it ? (with 8001 = WM_DECODE, 8002 = WM_IMAGE...)


I don't find compatible version of LLB for labview 2012 about windows message could you send me back yours?




0 Kudos
Message 14 of 16



I am using pieces (most of it) of the code provided (Thanks). But there is a problem: I only can read 1 length of code! Does a function return the right length of the barcode somewhere?

Also, when I first read a barcode (let's say:10953558R10638) and after that I want to read a shorter one (SC15800802) I get as a result : SC158008020638. The last numbers of the previous barcode are still there. Can I reset the memory?



0 Kudos
Message 15 of 16

Hello Michtro,


Which parts of the code are you using? I found one string length function in the, otherwise I have seen no string length function in the example code provided.


The functionality you are seeing with the additional digits being added at the end of your string is the expected functionality for an already initialized string input in LabVIEW. 


In your code where you are reading the barcode, you may be able to add some post-processing in the LabVIEW code where it reads in the string length and then cuts off additional values in the string or compares the current value to the previous one and removes the duplicate end characters. 


Be careful though because if you read a shorter barcode first and then a longer one, it is probable that you will cutoff the barcode at the length of the previously read barcode.

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Message 16 of 16