Hi Jarrod,
Thanks for the example VIs. I've tried using them for a slightly different objective and found that the FP.State property doesn't work quite as I'd expected - perhaps you can clarify what's going on or offer an alternative.
I have a main LV screen that pops up a dialog. I've written a little VI that changes the position of the subVI after it's been called, centering it on the parent VI (using FP properties). This works well, except that the user can see the subVI pop up in it's default position for a split-second before it relocates to be centered. In order to get around this I'd hoped to uncheck the "Show front panel when called" in VI Properties->Window Appearance for the subVI, and then after calling my CenterOnParent routine, use your "Show VI" to make the Dlg visible.
I've done as described above, however my sub-VI never shows itself (and since it's modal it locks all VIs and I have to terminate LV manually).
Any idea how to Show a VI programmatically after it's been loaded and run without the front panel shown?
Thanks for the help!