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State machine with vision module

I am attempting to do a state machine with vision and motion module, however I am not sure if there is a way to carry the operations made to the live image between states. I can't share the whole program due to the amount of SubVI's but I will share a snippet with two consecutive while loops (two states) and a screenshot of the actual state machine.

The user first has to select the plane that fits the best, in the next state its possible to make lightning enhancements, more operations come afterwards but with these two are enough to explain the problem. Is there a way to actually carry the operations like saving them in the image buffer. e.g. the user decides to work with the green plane of a RGB image, in the next state applies lightning enhancements to the greyscale image.


So far the only workaround I had found is repeating the same functions after saving the user inputs inside a cluster that will be called later in the state machine, in other words and hope this is easier to comprehend: its like repeating the same code many times and in every new iteration (change of state) new parts of code are uncommented and hence the program will have more functions; however, I doubt this is a correct way of approaching this kind of problem, any help is appreciated, cheers.

 sequential while loops that represent different states of the state machinesequential while loops that represent different states of the state machine






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