what exactly u are looking for ?
a vi that contain the properties in it , and takes temperature as input and give the properties as output and if not found it makes interpolation to get it ? ( if saturated )
for my part, I am interested in as much as I can get. My calorimeter program needs to have a device that takes in pressure and puts out saturated temperature, also takes in pressure and temperature and puts out enthalpy and density to 3 decimal places. There are equations from Dow but they require itteration or something. I appreciate anything available but $15k is way too much money.
i think i can do something like this , but instead of the equations i've created arrays with the thermodynamic properties ( for saturated r134a ) it takes temperature , and output all the values for this temperature and added a function for interpolation if the needed temperature is not listed with a range of ( -40 to 100 C ) , i can make one from the pressure table . but again it's based on the tables not derived from the equations.
i need some time to add the pressure table for saturated r134a to the VI cause now i only have the temperature table , but first i would like to know how much you are willing to pay for it to see if it's worth working on the pressure table or not .